5 Steps to Digestion

Here we go. Nothing heavy for today, since it's a relaxation day. So, here's something easy. 5 Steps to Digestion.

Indigestion- Food starts its journey through the alimentary canal canal by entering the mouth.

That means, once you put the food in your mouth. That's indigestion! Fullstop! Period! End of story!

- Food is broken down by enzymes into simpler substances to be absorbed by the small intestine.

Absorption- Food gets diffused by active transport in the small intestines.

- Nutrients of food get used by the body
e.g glucose for energy by respiration in cells

Egestion- Any undigested matter that passes through the alimentary canal will be passed out the body by the anus.
NOTE: Do not confuse EGESTION for EXCRETION.
Egestion = removal of anything UNDIGESTED by body e.g roughage/dietary fibre
Excretion = removal of METABOLIC WASTE by body e.g. expelling of carbon dioxide produced by cells during respiration.


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