Shrink4Men--What Is Wrong With Dr. Tara Palmatier

Like most cluster b people, Dr. Tara started out with empathy and friendly, yet now her blog has become a tool of her nasty personality to avenge anyone who dares say she is in the wrong, just like a cluster b woman would do. The shrink4men smear campaigns even incorporate Dr. Tara's threats to give personal information about people who have left their emails on her blog and forum. 

To make matters worse, Dr. Tara also has attacked affiliates on her blog, has make fun of NLP and Hypnosis, and though she can be found leaving post on blogs that focus upon males seducing women, she also says she does not believe in "game". The question is if Dr. Tara doesn't believe in male seduction, then why is she posting on their blogs asking them to spell her name right and to provide links back to her site? 

Cluster b women are infamous for designing smear campaigns, and many of them are in the helping professions. It truly is a sad thing to see a so called specialist in psychology attack women like this, and to use her blog and forum as a tool to launch smear campaigns towards people who don't agree with every single thing she says. Borderline women can do no wrong, and cluster b women are extremely emotional. Dr. Tara is no distinctive. 

It is also exceedingly uncommon for a so called psychologist to undermine the significance of hypnosis because many psychologist use hypnosis in their private practices. Then again, Dr. Tara doesn't have a private practice so this possibly isn't essential to her. Nevertheless, she is using her blog and forum more and more to begin smear campaigns that are covertly aimed at attacking people. This is traditional textbook behavior. Dr. Tara continues to say that she is not troubled by her protesters, yet if she isn't worried, then why is she writing entire post on her blog and forum that are aimed at attacking single individuals? In one of her post, Dr. Tara was even attempting to tell her readers where one of her protesters lived! 

By Dr. Tara's own admission, cluster b women have the mentality of a two year old, so it would be excellent to notice the shrink4men growing up a tad bit. Her supporters act as though they are brainwashed and accept as true everything she says, never realizing that Dr. Tara is beginning to display some of the same behaviors she writes are cluster b associated.A disordered individual, Kiwihelen, who comes from a chaotic family herself, also proclaims an expertise in mental health. Another disordered member by the name of Shieldmaden uses the blog to post uninteresting post where she gossips about her husband's personal life and their divorce proceedings. By her own admission, Shieldmaden is a co-dependent woman, and her lack of boundaries expose it in every way. 

There are many good resources on cluster b personality disorders, so think twice about the so called shrink4men. 


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