Shrink4Men--Why Dr. Tara Palmatier Is The Most Lovely Woman In Psychology

It isn't everyday that you come across a woman who has the integrity and the courage to tell it like it is, but this is just what Dr. Tara does. She exposes how disordered women act in relationships. Many people have not even heard of personality disorders, so when their relationships break down, they either blame themselves for what went wrong or they basically remain in a mental state of confusion wondering where it all went wrong. 

Many people are being mistreated in relationships, and some are informed of this whilst others are not. This ill-treatment is referred to as emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is way more difficult to recover from than physical abuse. Emotional abuse leaves scars that can either take years to heal or leave you with permanent injury. 
It is for this reason that I would ask every reader to take the time to visit Dr. Tara's blog and read the enlightening articles she has written. Thousands of people have been reassured by her, and we have all learned through Dr. Tara that these personality disorders are destructive and that they are real. Dr. Tara has provided us with the "why" of what many of the underlying causes of emotional abuse are. 

Relationships are so crucial. If we are not careful, we can spend years of our life with the wrong person and suffer a lot of sorrow. By knowing what emotional abuse is and how it manifest itself, you can improve your life and stop yourself from ever being with a disordered person ever again. 
I had first taken advantage of Dr. Tara's free articles and forum, and then I had one simple phone consultation with her that was more helpful than any other means of therapy I have ever experienced. Dr. Tara is a giver, and because she is a giver, she can offer you powerful options to help you overcome even the most hopeless situations of a painful or hostile break-up. 

If there was one woman who ever had so much value in my life, if there was one woman who literally set me free from so many of the troubles I suffered in disordered family members and identifying emotionally abusive behavior, it was Dr. Tara. She is a optimistic force for good in the world, and everyone who wants to get married, to stay happily married, and to know who not to marry, will discover for themselves that Dr. Tara is the most lovely woman in psychology. 

We love you Dr. Tara. 


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