People lie on many occasions. They are available in every sphere of life. Sometimes they lie knowingly and sometimes intentionally and on few occasions according to circumstances. Many people lie with confidence without batting the eyelid, some use sunglasses to evade eye contact. When a person tells a lie, the eyes betray and show the emotion. However, it is not expected from a regular liar or a hardened criminal.
In many occasion, people telling lie are detectable from their blushing cheeks. This is a normal symptom for common people. A sharp and experienced person can see the change of color. Today, modern science has developed several gadgets to detect lie. The thermal camera with high-resolution is the best. This camera is very powerful and picks the rush of blood to the face perfectly. This thermal camera is used to detect liars, criminals and terrorists. Therefore the camera is used in vulnerable places like airport Metro, busy streets and other public places.
Body language may show signs of lying. Avoiding looking into your eyes, carrying nervously or feeling uncomfortable while switching postures, are some of the behavioral symptoms. Slip of tongue and incoherent statement identify a liar. He may try to evade some specific incident even after repeated questions and be on the extreme defensive attitude. This will deduce that the person is trying to protect someone or hiding facts. This technique is the easy way to tell when someone is lying.
Years of research has proved futile to detect a lie by observing nonverbal behavior. Detecting deceit is hard task. Inconsistency in statements is a lie. The statements are then imposed on the people in a tricky way and convincingly. Experienced interrogators can detect a lie easily.
People habitually say that they do not mislead others, but on the other hand, they keep back important information. This is different way of telling a lie. When they are detected telling lies, they become extremely defensive and try to switch the subject abruptly. It is not easy to ascertain a lie from the behavior but your gut feeling alerts you and make you feel that it is a lie.
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